A Pakistani snooker player is standing out enough to be noticed on the planet that he could on account of his astounding ability of playing the tabletop game with his jawline. The 32-year-old Muhammad Ikram, who was brought into the world without arms and lives in Pakistan's Samundri city, has dominated playing snooker with his jawline.
As indicated by the Associated Press, Ikram had for a long time truly needed to be a snooker player, particularly since he watched his companions play on dusty tables outside his home when he was a child.
Ikram let AP know that when he was a 10-year-old child he saw his companions playing on pool tables outside his home. Ikram said that he additionally wished one day he could play the game however the issue was around then he didn't have the foggiest idea how to get it done. In the end, Ikram worked out on playing the game with his jaw and culminated the strategy as years passed to make his blessing from heaven. Ikram then, at that point, chose to take a shot at semi-experts as he visited a close by club for a game.
Ikram said that at first individuals couldn't accept and the club proprietor had denied him a possibility saying that he can't do this. In any case, Ikram stayed firm and didn't take no for a response, requesting a possibility from the club proprietor. "Individuals didn't completely accept that me in the club that I could play with my jawline. In any case, they step by step began respecting my abilities when I began hitting the prompt ball with the jawline," Ikram was cited as saying by the Associated Press.